“Make the blue more vibrant, as if it is a nice day.”
Another set of hands made a few clicks on some sliders on the screen in front of the scene.
“Better.” Came the same cool female voice. “Now give the leaves on the branches a little sway with an interval of 45-60 seconds loop.”
That other set of hands made adjustments on yet more sliders within the programme.
Below them, the passerby on the street glanced up to enjoy the weather changing. It had been raining everyday for the past two weeks, causing floods all over the city that in turn is forcing the city into chaos.
“Global warming!” The people down in the city laments.
Back in the Control Room, the lady with the cool voice remarked, “This is what ‘A calm before a storm’ looks like.” And with her cup of coffee in hand, she walked back over to her Eames lounger and sank into it in anticipation.